ve-meta title="Plant Humanities Lab" description="Explore the cultural histories of plants and their influence on human societies."
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Featured Resources
How to Read an Herbarium Specimen
How to Read an Herbarium Specimen

This essay provides an approachable overview of herbarium specimens and how they are used.
Featured Plant Narratives
What We Know Now: Tracing the Tamarack
What We Know Now: Tracing the Tamarack
The Sensitive Plant: Meaning and Movement
The Sensitive Plant: Meaning and Movement
- Elaina Foley, Sabrina Freidus, and Jordan Norviel
The Broad-Leaf Bark: Friend or Foe?
The Broad-Leaf Bark: Friend or Foe?
- Bethany Kidd and Sierra Roark
Pecan: Beyond Thanksgiving Pie to Indigenous Reciprocity
Pecan: Beyond Thanksgiving Pie to Indigenous Reciprocity
- MaryKathryn Underwood, Stefania Rocca, and Paolo Taffaro
Okra: An Enduring Kitchen Staple
Okra: An Enduring Kitchen Staple
- Allison Caban and Malek Charchour
Indigo: Layers of Paint, History, and Art
Indigo: Layers of Paint, History, and Art
- Jordan Noelle Smith, Gianna Welty, and Hayley Blair

Soybean: The Versatile Miracle Crop
Soybean: The Versatile Miracle Crop
All Plant Narratives
Agave: A Plant with an Intoxicating History
Agave: A Plant with an Intoxicating History

Arbor Vitae: In Search of the Tree of Life
Arbor Vitae: In Search of the Tree of Life

Ayahuasca: Amazonian Plant Lessons
Ayahuasca: Amazonian Plant Lessons
- Ashley Thuthao Keng Dam, Diana Heredia-López, Rachael Nelson, and Erin Wrightson

Bananas: Chaos out of Order
Bananas: Chaos out of Order

Black-Eyed Pea: Crop, Culture, Class
Black-Eyed Pea: Crop, Culture, Class
- Sarah Mallory, Emily Kamm, Haley Price, and Christina Hourigan

Boxwood: A Plant That Took Over the Garden World
Boxwood: A Plant That Took Over the Garden World

The Breadfruit’s Reinvention: Pacific to Caribbean
The Breadfruit’s Reinvention: Pacific to Caribbean

The Broad-Leaf Bark: Friend or Foe?
The Broad-Leaf Bark: Friend or Foe?
- Bethany Kidd and Sierra Roark
Cacao: Indigenous Network to Global Commodity
Cacao: Indigenous Network to Global Commodity

Carolina Rice: An Agricultural Legacy of Enslaved Peoples
Carolina Rice: An Agricultural Legacy of Enslaved Peoples

Cassava: From Toxic Tuber to Food Staple
Cassava: From Toxic Tuber to Food Staple
- Christina Emery, Rachel Hirsch, and Melinda Susanto

Cinnamomum verum: Discovering “True” Cinnamon
Cinnamomum verum: Discovering “True” Cinnamon

Cryptomeria japonica: Climate Change, Cultivation, and Culture
Cryptomeria japonica: Climate Change, Cultivation, and Culture
- Kira Bre Clingen and Edyth Jostol

Dittany: Women’s Herbs and Reproductive Control
Dittany: Women’s Herbs and Reproductive Control

Dracaena draco: The Mystery of Dragon’s Blood
Dracaena draco: The Mystery of Dragon’s Blood
- Thomas C. Anderson, Cati Kalinoski, and Lucas Mertehikian

Eggplant: Food, Sex, and Poison
Eggplant: Food, Sex, and Poison
- Ana Carolina Carmona-Ribeiro, Nathan Cornish, and Sheila Scoville

Heliconia: Evolution at Work
Heliconia: Evolution at Work
- W. John Kress and Yota Batsaki

Indigo: Layers of Paint, History, and Art
Indigo: Layers of Paint, History, and Art
- Jordan Noelle Smith, Gianna Welty, and Hayley Blair

Maize: Sacred Plant, Global Commodity
Maize: Sacred Plant, Global Commodity

Mint: The Ubiquity of a Commercial Crop
Mint: The Ubiquity of a Commercial Crop

Okra: An Enduring Kitchen Staple
Okra: An Enduring Kitchen Staple
- Allison Caban and Malek Charchour
Opium Poppy: A Cursed Beauty
Opium Poppy: A Cursed Beauty
- Carol Chang, Heather Rose Craddock, and Alejandro Garay

Peanut: From Luxury Food to Livestock Feed
Peanut: From Luxury Food to Livestock Feed
- Maria Job, Elizabeth Chant, and Katherine Enright

Pecan: Beyond Thanksgiving Pie to Indigenous Reciprocity
Pecan: Beyond Thanksgiving Pie to Indigenous Reciprocity
- MaryKathryn Underwood, Stefania Rocca, and Paolo Taffaro
Pelargonium: By Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet?
Pelargonium: By Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet?
- Daisy Reid, Verónica Matallana Chaves, and Yao Jiang

Peony: Pretty and Powerful
Peony: Pretty and Powerful

The Sensitive Plant: Meaning and Movement
The Sensitive Plant: Meaning and Movement
- Elaina Foley, Sabrina Freidus, and Jordan Norviel
Sunflower: Knowledge, Myth, and Meaning
Sunflower: Knowledge, Myth, and Meaning

Soybean: The Versatile Miracle Crop
Soybean: The Versatile Miracle Crop
Quinoa: From Indigenous Crop to International Superfood
Quinoa: From Indigenous Crop to International Superfood

What We Know Now: Tracing the Tamarack
What We Know Now: Tracing the Tamarack
Tamarind: From Shady Refuge to Versatile Foodstuff
Tamarind: From Shady Refuge to Versatile Foodstuff
- Allison Fulton, Amara Santiesteban Serrano, and Jeannette Schollaert

Turmeric: Herb of the Sun
Turmeric: Herb of the Sun

Venus Flytrap: Queen of the Carnivorous Plants
Venus Flytrap: Queen of the Carnivorous Plants

Watermelon: Stereotypes of Race and Class
Watermelon: Stereotypes of Race and Class
- Anna Lawrence, Camilo Uribe Botta, and May Wang

Wild Yam: The Rhizome of the Pill
Wild Yam: The Rhizome of the Pill

- A collaboration between:
- [`:width:150px;height:100%`](https://www.doaks.org/)
- and
- [](https://labs.jstor.org)
- with support from
- [](https://www.mellon.org/)